
Take it easy.

I am ecstatic my little flower has already began to grow! Sheesh, I feel like a proud mother. Lol

I'm not sure why, but this little guy keeps reminding me of a day i had a few years back.
I went to a field next to my house, and i just laid. It was perfect weather with the sun on my arms, the lightest of winds, there weren't any noises or sirens, no dogs barking like normal. 
It felt like God silenced everything just for me and him to share a moment. 
I've felt very rushed, and eager lately, like i never ever get to slow down anymore and if it's not one thing it's three other things. I'm just longing for a moment to breathe. To be still. 
I have to let God be a constant reminder of my purpose of being here. That none of these things on earth that trouble me, matter in the end. I just want to make the most out of the life I've been given, take it easy and to be joyful. 

I'm not sure why and it may only make sense in my mind but this verse just fits right now.  
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

With that said.. I'm going zip lining tomorrow if it doesn't rain! Exciiited.
 Have a beautiful night and an even better tomorrow :) 

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